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press features
Samantha has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, BBC Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio 4, BBC Global Review, The Times, Monocle, Deliciously Ella Podcast, Psychologies, Stylist, Elle and Red Magazine. Serving her unique expertise on wellbeing with substance, style and an innovative perspective.
guest appearances on shows
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favourite video APPEARANCEs
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the world piece
Designing and facilitating the World Piece experience - The World Piece, 61 people offer their bodies as a canvas to send a message to the world: that there are more things uniting us than dividing us.
fearne cotton
Samantha Clarke reveals why now is the time to find meaning and purpose beyond work as we know it and how to do it. If you are questioning changes to your job, this talk is full of vital tips and tools that will help you.
holly & co
Holly chats to happiness consultant, TedX speaker and author or ‘Love it or leave it’, Samantha Clarke. Discussing things such as how, to be a good leader, parent, and how to take responsibility for our own happiness.
online articles
Read Samantha’s contributions and feel equipped to power up your wellbeing, make changes and create sustainable happiness with thought-provoking insights, practical and tangible actions.
elle magazine
Learn how to ask for a pay rise. Don't make it personal or confrontational, but prove you've done your research. A pay rise needs to be a 3-6month process of planning...
the independent
The secrets to true happiness. Happiness isn’t the enigma we’ve been led to assume it is. Believe it or not, we are all capable of achieving happiness sooner rather than later...
the guardian
Will starting your own business make you happy? Happiness consultant Samantha Clarke believes the rise can partly be explained by the influx of a new generation who seek very...
How To Have Two Successful Careers At The Same Time. Samantha clarke assures that portfolio careers can be both viable and successful – if planned correctly. Clarke offers...
what now blog
Finding happiness at work with Samantha Clarke. Through aligning with your values, communicating better with those around you and working out what motivates and...
city am
How to keep staff happy, retain your best talent and attract new employees in the new year. While employee happiness and wellbeing have been zeitgeist topics for a while, it’s worth...